Buy 1, Plant 1

Your purchase will lead to the planting of mangrove trees in Madagascar.

With each purchase from this website, you're not just acquiring a work of craftsmanship – you're contributing to a greener world.

A percentage of the proceeds from each item goes towards supporting tree planting initiatives by the Eden Reforestation Projects in Madagascar.

Planting Trees

  • Why Trees Matter

    Nature's silent heroes, trees play a pivotal role as purifiers, carbon absorbers & havens for ecosystems.

    When you buy a piece from this website, you're helping to embrace sustainability.

  • Restoring Mangrove Forests

    Our focus aligns with the Eden Reforestation Project's mission to restore and expand Mangrove forests.

    These natural defenders shield life, while effectively trapping carbon and helping to fight climate change.

  • Ongoing Impact

    It doesn't end with the planting of a tree. The trees are also nurtured along with local communities.

    With your purchase, you're championing a sustainable future and supporting livelihoods.

How it works

Through an integration with theGoodAPI, we have simplicity and sustainability.

Each month, the number of items sold on this website is tracked. This dictates the amount of money that I pay to theGoodAPI.

Once the donation is transferred to theGoodAPI, they swiftly deploy it to support the initiatives with the Eden Reforestation Projects.

This means that your purchase with One Eyed Woodworker directly translates into tangible environmental action.

1 product sold = 1 tree planted.

Thanks to customers like you

That’s enough to fill… well, a few pretty big pots.

But it’s early days. More will be planted over the coming months and years with every product purchased.